About Us

Welcome to BodyBrite - Baton Rouge! 

If this is your first visit, create your profile, then choose the date and time desired for your service.

This is where you can book appointments, track packages, memberships and rewards points.

Here’s why BodyBrite clients leave looking and feeling their best, and you will too:

  • Complimentary consultation and skin analysis by expert estheticians (required for IPL)
  • Treatment plan tailored to your needs, with results you’ll love
  • Friendly place, locally owned, where you’ll feel comfortable
  • Simple, affordable, guilt-free pricing for “gotta have” services

We look forward to seeing you,

Tanya and Team

(For IPL Hair Removal or IPL Skin Rejuvenation, you MUST choose a free consultation for your first session* because an IPL test patch is required 48 hours before your first treatment.

FOLLOW US on Facebook and Instagram for special offers, events and a view of our services!

225-769-0081  |  batonrouge@bodybriteusa.com 
7248 Perkins Road, Baton Rouge, LA 70808 

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